Don't let bed bugs become a nightmare problem in your home. Our Fairfield-based pest control team members are trained to handle bed bug problems with effective and affordable fumigation services. When you hire Affordable Pest Control, Inc., you'll have the peace of mind that we are taking care of your pest issue while keeping your pets and family safe. Call us today for information on how we can rid your home of bed bugs or other pests.
Bed bugs can live on many types of surfaces in your home or commercial space and can be transported on clothing. Messes, carpeting, baseboards of beds, upholstered furniture, and many more parts of your residential or commercial space can be perfect homes for bed bugs. When you hire our professional team to care for your bed bug problem, we'll treat every surface that could have an infestation, so you're guaranteed top results. Give out team a call to learn about fumigation and other solutions.
To ensure your home is safe from a pest infestation, we have set up a three-step process to stop the damage before it begins. We are focused on your needs and will explain the best solution for any pest trying to come into your home. Our focus is stopping problems from growing in numbers and creating devastation in their wake.
Step 1: We undertake a complete inspection of your residential or commercial space where the infestation occurs. Our team determines the severity of the infestation and how quickly we'll need to respond to take care of the issue. With experience and extensive training, our team will come to your place of residence on your schedule and determine your specific needs.
Step 2: After a thorough inspection, we will provide you with a recommendation for the first round of treatment. We only undertake action once you are fully informed and have agreed to the plan.
Step 3: We perform treatment and can provide a follow-up call and visit to check for any lasting signs of pests. Affordable Pest Control, Inc. offers annual inspections after you've received treatment from us to ensure all signs of rodents, winged insects, or other pests are non-existent.
Have you woken up recently with itchy red bumps on your skin? If so, you may have a bed bug problem in your home. A female bed bug can damage several eggs each day. Call us immediately if you identify a problem or even have a slight suspicion of pest presence. We offer free inspections. Our top-of-the-line modern equipment and licensed exterminators are deadly for bed bugs.
We have a professional staff that can help you quickly to ensure your pests are removed. We believe in excellent professional service and ensuring you feel comfortable in your home or office. Make sure your pests are gone with our services today. Call us at 513-874-5060